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Putnam Flowers

Flower Channel Design

New York based florist duo Mickey & Darroch Putnam became world-famous for their book debut "Flower Color Guide", the first reference book that maps flower varieties by color.

The Putnam Flower Channel aims to be the first online platform in resource for florists from all over the world providing them with exclusive video tutorials, a flower database, a flower arrangement tool and a flower community to discuss everything floral.

Putnam Flower Channel LLC


Single Product Designer, did it all




Design a subscription based web platform for professional florists and flower enthusiasts to follow the putnams and become creative.


Create an awesome product design around the gorgeous flower images of Putnam & Putnam Flowers and get everything cost-effectively working.


In order to get the beautiful flower images to stand out as much as possible, a minimal UI with a vintage touch was created.
DressLikeMe: AI Fashion Platform


The combination of vintage and minimalism is represented by an italic serif font in contrast to a modern grotesque font.
Crimson Text
PT Sans
Crimson Text

Minimalistic icon set

In order to keep the interface as restrained as possible, I designed thin, minimalist icons.

Mobile first approach

In regard to the younger target group, I optimized all ui designs strongly for mobile.


Flower enthusiasts are amazed by the product.